1. 登入教師後臺後,點選主畫面右方姓名旁的小箭頭顯示選單,點選【好友推薦】選項。

2. 進入好友推薦頁面後,即可看到示意畫面,點擊【邀請連結】複製,接著貼至任何聯繫好友的對話框,就會自動出現註冊連結文字囉!

3. 若好友成功完成註冊,在後台的【歷史邀請紀錄】則會出現好友的邀請紀錄!

MangaChat is updating new feature, “Friend Invitation” on April 15th. By inviting three friends to register on the platform, users can receive an additional one-month voucher for paid standard version!
For free users, recommending MangaChat to three friends who successfully register can earn yourself an extra one-month trial period.
Let’s see how to send a friend invitation:
1. To access the “Friend Invitation”, users can log in to Teacher Dashboard and click on menu, and select the “Friend Invitation”.
2. Once users enter the “Friend Invitation” page, clicking on the “invitation link” and copy it. You may paste it to any message box to share with your friends, the registration link will appear automatically.
3. If the invited friends successfully register, their invitation record will appear in “Invitation History” section.